Singing Guide: Addison Road

Singing Guide: Addison Road

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Addison Road

Addison Road is a band famous for their contemporary Christian and pop-rock sound. Their lead singer, Jenny Simmons, has a unique singing style that combines elements of pop and soul into a versatile and distinctive sound. In this article, we’ll explore some of the techniques used by Jenny Simmons and the other members of Addison Road to help you learn to sing like them.

Vocal Range

Before you start learning to sing like Jenny Simmons, it’s important to understand your own vocal range. Use the Singing Carrots vocal range test ( to help you identify your range and compare it to famous singers, including Jenny Simmons. Once you know your range, you can focus on developing your skills in that range.

Breathing and Breath Support

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of singing, and Jenny Simmons is known for her strong breath support. Use the Singing Carrots breathing basics article ( to help you develop good breathing habits and improve your breath support.

Vocal Registers

One of the defining features of Jenny Simmons’ singing style is her ability to switch seamlessly between vocal registers. Use the Singing Carrots article on voice registers and vocal break ( to learn how to transition smoothly between your chest, head, and mixed voice.

Singing with Emotion

Addison Road’s music is known for its emotional depth, and Jenny Simmons’ vocals are a big part of that. Practice singing with emotion by choosing a song from Addison Road’s discography that speaks to you and focusing on bringing out the emotion in the lyrics. Use the Singing Carrots article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking ( to help you tap into your emotions and express them through your singing.

Contemporary Vocal Techniques

Jenny Simmons uses a range of contemporary vocal techniques in her singing, including belting and twang. Use Singing Carrots’ article on contemporary vocal techniques ( to learn more about these techniques and how to incorporate them into your own singing.

Songs to Learn

Once you have a good grasp on the techniques used by Addison Road, it’s time to start learning some songs. Here are a few Addison Road songs that showcase Jenny Simmons’ unique singing style:

  • What Do I Know of Holy
  • Fight Another Day
  • Sticking With You
  • Hope Now
  • This Could Be Our Day

Use the Singing Carrots song search tool ( to find additional Addison Road songs that match your vocal range and genre preferences.


Learning to sing like Jenny Simmons and Addison Road requires practice and dedication, but with the right techniques and tools, it’s possible to achieve. Use the Singing Carrots resources listed above to help you develop your vocal range, breathing, and emotional expression, and don’t forget to have fun along the way!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.